100 % achieved
on Track
new Target
Field of action
Materiality Topic
Strategy and Governance
Further development of the energy system
Evaluation of at least three potentially commercially viable pilot projects with new technologies per year
Implemented in 2021:
  • Evaluation of three suitable storage projects
  • Ongoing, intensive market monitoring 
Integration of renewables into the hydrogen value  chain
Measures for 2022:
  • Review of options to integrate renewables into the hydrogen value chain
Sustainably integrated corporate strategy
Improve MSCI ESG rating to AAA by 2025
Implemented in 2021:
  • Definition and ongoing optimisation of sustainability goals and measures
  • Formation of a Sustainability Council
  • Improved visibility of the whistleblowing system
  • Introduction of a compliance management system incl. KYC audit and Code of Conduct (CoC was rolled out throughout the Group in March 2022)
  • Installation of certification processes for suppliers and project developers (Business Partner Code of Conduct, BPCoC, to be rolled out throughout the Group in Q2 2022)
Measures for 2022:
  • Annual staff training on the CoC and BPCoC
  • Regular meetings of the Sustainability Council
Responsibility in the value chain
Implementation of the BPCoC by including the BPCoC in 100% of the new contracts with businesspartners
Measures for 2022:
  • Inclusion of the BPCoC in the standard onboarding process when signing new contracts
  • Agreement of the BPCoC with the contractual partners
  • Ongoing controlling and feedback to the Sustainability & Communications Team
Contribute to the energy transition
Increase the capacity of own plants to 3.4 GW by the end of 2025
Implemented in 2021:
  • Capacity of own plants increased through commissioning of 435 MW
Measures for 2022:
  • Steady portfolio expansion
Operational excellence
Calibrate an appropriate metric for measuring and documenting the performance of the plants by the end of 2021
Implemented in 2021:
  • Digital overall monitoring of the parks
  • Continuous acceleration of structural improvements, optimisations and automation
Measures for 2022:
  • Performance analysis of the individual plants
  • Identify the main reasons for performance losses and define suitable measures to solve them
Determine the average plant performance on the basis  of the newly determined metrics and define realistic targets by the end of  2022
Winning new fund investors
Raise an additional 1.26 billion euros for the funds by the end of 2025
Implemented in 2021:
  • Sales launch of a new RE fund, Encavis Infrastructure Fund IV (EIF IV), with an issue volume of 500 million euros
  • Purchase of 313 MW, spread across 19 operating companies for existing fund vehicles
Measures for 2022:
  • Successful development and expansion of existing fund vehicles and those in the process of being established
Invest the capital raised by the end of 2026
New business segments and models
Increase non-subsidised electricity production noticeably by the end of 2025
Implemented in 2021:
  • The PPA Origination Department was implemented and built up
Measures for 2022:
  • Win corporates and utilities for direct marketing of electricity
  • Ongoing participation in tenders for PPAs
Ensure employee satisfaction
Implemented in 2021
  • Four surveys conducted to determine employee satisfaction- Successful roll-out of the mobile office concept in October 2021
  • Ongoing review of corporate benefits, especially in the area of health and wellbeing
Measures for 2022
  • Performance of several “pulse checks” during the year, subsequent analysis and derivation of measures and activities and determination of new measures, if necessary
  • Planning, organisation and implementation of a digital health week
  • Planning, organisation and implementation of a Group event in the summer
  • Payment of a voluntary COVID-19 bonus
Human resources development and employee skills and expertise
Promote employee expertise
Implemented in 2021
  • In addition to individually agreed further training, courses, programmes, and training in the fields of project management, languages, D&O, negotiating skills and personal development were organised
  • Ongoing review and, if necessary, optimisation ofindividual HR development by making high-quality internal and external offers
  • Ongoing review and, if necessary, adjustment of the further training offer for employees
Measures for 2022
  • Relaunch of the Personal Development Programme
  • Relaunch of the Leadership Programme
  • Continuationof the “Lunch & Learn” activities
  • Individual staff coaching
  • Ongoing review and, if necessary, optimisation of individual HR development by making high-quality internal and external offers
  • Ongoing review and, if necessary, adjustment of the further training offer for employees
  • Individual advice by HR for tailor-made further training offers
Social acceptance and positive contribution of the Encavis Group
Increase the social and political relevance of the Encavis Group
Implemented in 2021
  • As part of a long-term cooperation, Encavis has supported the charitable aid organisation “Sopowerful” since July 2021
  • “Giving Back Week” at both company locations in October 2021
Measures for 2022
  • Develop a new stakeholder-based communication concept
  • Participatein two charity runs
  • Organiseand implement another “Giving Back Week”
Annual implementation of a "Giving Back Week".
Help in the fight against climate change
Increase share of green electricity purchases to  100% by the end of 2022
Implemented in 2021
  • Conversion to about 82%  green electricity
Measures for 2022
  • Increase share of green electricity purchases to 100% in our direct sphere of influence by the end of 2022
Preparea comprehensive Encavis carbon footprint by the end of 2025
Implemented in 2021
  • Development, budgeting, and approval of the “Encavis carbon footprint” project
  • Preparation of the first carbon footprint
Measures for 2022
  • Develop a pilot project to ensure better data qualityof Scope 3 emissions
  • Improve the availability of fundamental data
Prepare annual carbon footprint in accordance with  the GHG Protocol
Maximise our positive climate contribution through ongoing implementation and expand environmental and climate protection measures
Implemented in 2021
  • If no general cleaning intervals for solar parks aredefined in the contract, employees check how dirty the modules are and decideon a case-by-case basis whether cleaning is necessary (e.g. Solar Deutschland)
Measures for 2022
  • Continuous examination of possible measures for carbon reduction along the value chain
Sustainable increase in the efficiency of existing wind and solar parks
Determination of the estimated average water consumption per MWh for all parks by the end of 2021
Implemented in 2021
  • Estimation of water consumption
Measures for 2022
  • Examine new possibilities for water savings and wastewater treatment in solar parks
Reviewpotential water savings per sqm of PV surface by the end of 2022
Update and calibrate the yield reports for all solar parks by the end of 2021
Implemented in 2021
  • Entry of the data in Encavis’ system landscape
Measures for 2022
  • Futurescenario calculations based on production probabilities
Define and set a target for systematic environmental management by the end of 2021
    Measures for 2022
    • Ongoing review of technical optimisation and modernisation measures
    Integrate the environmental management system into an integrated ESG tool by the end of 2022
    Develop a biodiversity strategy and define a target for increasing biodiversity by the end of 2025
    Implemented in 2021
    • Evaluation of the biodiversity lighthouse project (Solarpark Enerstroom) in the Netherlands, where it unfortunately turned out that both the concept and the offer of the greenkeeper were not convincing.
    • Development of a pilot project for a German solarpark: here it was examined which measures can generally be implemented to increase biodiversity and which measures can be reasonably implemented.
    Measures for 2022
    • Implementation of a solar park pilot project